Abstract House Logo Template

Abstract house logo template that has been created with all real estate businesses in mind – real estate agents, builders, constructors, civil and road engineers, etc. We have used only sharp lines and strong colors to create this modern logo design.
Abstract house logo made in a clean and clear style and perfect for any real estate related projects and companies.
The downloadable archive contains an AI and PDF file. You will just need a proper vector editing software to replace the text and edit the color, shape and size of the graphic elements. Adobe Illustrator CS6+ will do the trick.
Consider downloading this logo as it will surely come in handy one time or another! Go ahead and click the Free Download button below!

Abstract House Logo Template
File Format: Ai, PDF
Font: Mentone SemiBold
Size: 3.79 MB
Author: Free Logo Design
Free for personal and commercial use. Backlink required to redistribute the article.