Flame Logo Design Set

Flame logo design set that comes in three color schemes. Perfect choice for any business focused on energy supply or petrol trading companies.
This is our flame logo design set. It comes in three color schemes and contains fire element entangled in the shape of a raindrop. The flame logo concept is a good choice for any business focused on petrol trading, energy supply and etc. We wanted to achieve clear, but also friendly and effective look. The download archive contains a PSD file type, so you can edit any text, shape or effect with basic skills in Adobe Photoshop, or any other proper editing software! This flame logo design set is released for free, so if you like it, all you have to do is to click the button below.
File Format: PSD
Fonts: Planer Font
Size: 68 KB
Author: Free Logo Design
Free for personal and commercial use. Backlink required to redistribute the article.