Aqua Logo Design Template

Free aqua logo design template created in an unique fashion. Use our aqua logo template for your eco and environmental projects.
Free aqua logo design template with clear, abstract look. Very often water is viewed as symbol of purification and changes. The shape of raindrop or wave has become quite used element in the process of logo designing. In this vector logo concept, we’ve used blue color scheme that associates with water and is also similar to boat and wave shapes. This download archive contains AI, PSD and PDF file types and with software like Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator or other proper graphics editor you can easily change every single shape, text or effect. Don’t worry! All layers are carefully named, grouped and arranged to save you any inconvenience. If you are looking for something similar, this aqua logo design is just one click away and you can easily grab it by clicking the “free download ” button.
File Format: Ai, PSD, PDF, JPG
Fonts: Lobster
Size: 902 KB
Author: Free Logo Design
Free for personal and commercial use. Backlink required to redistribute the article.