Cloud Logo Design Template
Cloud logo design template resembling the shape of a cloud. Our free logo design is a great match for all hosting companies and IT businesses.
Awesome cloud logo design template with clean and attractive look & feel. It contains cloud shape in red color scheme that makes it the perfect choice for all public cloud platforms. Of course you can always change the color and use it for something else. We have designed it to be completely scalable, customizable and flexible to your requirements. For your convenience, the download archive contains Ai, PSD and PDF file types. You don’t have to be a master designer to edit your logo concept. All you need is Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator or other vector graphics editor. This cloud logo concept is released for free, so you can download it by just clicking the button below.
File Format: Ai, PSD, PDF, JPG
Fonts: Arial Bold
Size: 627 KB
Author: Free Logo Design
Free for personal and commercial use. Backlink required to redistribute the article.