Business Logo Vector Template

Business logo vector template created in clean and abstract shape. It is suitable for a wide range of businesses related to software, hardware, technology and development.
Business logo vector template designed in clear, modern style. This logo template is quite useful for different kind of companies related to software, hardware, web design, technology, financial services and many others. This download archive contains Ai and PSD file types. To save you time and frustration we have properly named, grouped and arranged all layers. Couple of minutes in Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop are enough to make your changes and have the look that you want. If you or your clients are looking for something similar, just click the download button below and grab our business vector logo template for free.
File Format: Ai, PSD
Fonts: Open Sans Font
Size: 232 KB
Author: Free Logo Design
Free for personal and commercial use. Backlink required to redistribute the article.