Creative Logo Vector Template

Creative logo vector template with modern, abstract look and warm color scheme. This logo template could fit well to different kind of businesses like applications, print and web design studios, firms related to communications, media and technology.
Creative logo vector template with elegant, modern appearance. It is suitable for different kind of businesses like applications, print and web design studios or any other firm related to communications, media and technology. This template features abstract graphic element and strong font type. We have chosen warm color scheme but you could easily change it the way you want. Our download archive contains Ai and PSD file types, completely scalable and editable. If you like this creative logo vector template, just click on the button below and grab it for free!
File Format: Ai, PSD
Fonts: Nunito Font
Size: 320 KB
Author: Free Logo Design
Free for personal and commercial use. Backlink required to redistribute the article.