Chef Hat Logo Template

Chef hat logo template made in clean and clear style and perfect for restaurants, fast foods, cooking shows and stores and many more. If you business is in any way related to the food industry, then this might be the perfect logo for you! Download now completely for free!
Chef hat logo template made especially for restaurants, fast foods, cooking stores and basically anything that has to do with the food industry. We did our best to create a logo template that will leave a long lasting emotions on your visitors and clients.
Once you download the archive, you will get an AI and PDF file. In the AI file you can find all the vector shapes the logo was made of. With some Adobe Illustrator knowledge you will be able to change their color, size and edit the text.
A pretty chef hat logo template like this will always come in handy, so go ahead and download our freebie now by clicking the Free Download button below!

Chef Hat Logo Template
File Format: Ai, PDF
Font: Helvetica
Size: 3.12 MB
Author: Free Logo Design